1.严禁任何人员在液压升降平台提升架行走。No personnel in the hydraulic lifting platform to lift the frame to walk.
2.升降平台厂家提醒,严禁在没有护栏的台面上随意行走。Lifting platform manufacturers to remind, is strictly prohibited in the table without the fence to walk.
3.严禁在液压升降机现场玩耍。Is strictly prohibited in the field of hydraulic lift to play.
4.升降平台厂家提醒,严禁在高压电源危险区域进行高空作业。Lifting platform manufacturers to remind, is strictly prohibited in the high voltage power supply dangerous areas of aerial work.
5.严禁穿拖鞋及不戴安全帽和工作证以及携带小孩进入作业场地。Wear slippers and do not wear a safety helmet and work permit, as well as to carry the child into the operating site.
6.严禁带危险品、易燃品在升降机上吸烟。It is strictly prohibited to carry dangerous goods, flammable materials in the lift smoking.
7.升降平台厂家提醒,严禁在未设安全措施的同一部位同时上下交叉作业。Lifting platform manufacturers to remind, is strictly prohibited in the same part of the same parts of the same position without security measures at the same time, the cross operation.